Here's the first of Boyfriend's socks as it stands. I've turned the heel and am woking on the gusset. Like I said, a super-fast project. At this rate I could turn out a sock a week (ideally).
And here's a close-up of one of my favorite features of this pattern, the slipped-stitch heel.
Slipping every other stitch on the right side makes this nice thick, spongey fabric at the back of the heel, which will wear so much better than plain stockinette against the back of a shoe. Hooray. I've got 2.5 hours of class tomorrow and 4 on Friday, so this sock should be all done by the weekend.
In other news I'm steeling myself to frog the start I made on my Anemoi mitten. I think I want to switch the colors. Also the cuff is a little tight. And this and that and the other... I think this project needs a new start. It may wait a little while though. For one, I'm not looking forward to re-doing that cuff (size 0 bamboo needles - they feel princess-delicate in my hands), and also I'm not enjoying having three projects going at once. It's like three-handed dominoes: one keeps getting left in the dust. Besides, with two tiny projects my hands are not as happy as they once were. They miss the days of worsted-weight.
Sorry, Anemoi, you'll just have to wait. And sorry, hands, but what with the sock-making and the project-typing, this is going to get worse before it gets better. Be strong.