Friday, April 20, 2007

Spring, Sprung

The spring! It's springing! This photo is a few days old, and there has been noticeable growth since then. I think everything's been holding back for so long that now it has no choice but to burst forth. Spring in the Hudson Valley is a true thing of beauty, and I'm very excited for the blooms and blossoms and buds.

But, on to what you really came for. I'm about 97% done with Liz's graduate Clapotis. This thing just flew off the needles. I made it about two thirds of the width that the pattern calls for, which I'm glad about because it's very bulky and puffy. The yarn clings to itself so fiercely that it actually has to be persuaded into dropping stitches.

The colors are much brighter in person. That purpley stripe above the leftmost dark grey is actually magenta. I'm just having trouble getting it in the right light. I love working with the Kureyon; although it's a little scratchy, it has a wonderful hand. I'm a little worried about it for a scarf, but am hoping that a wash and a little conditioner will smooth things out.

So anyway, there I am, knitting along as happily as can be, decreasing like crazy, and pow! Out of yarn!

I'm starting to think I have a curse. I've got about twenty more rows to go to finish up the last corner, but I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and order more yarn. If this were my scarf, I would probably just bind off and go with it; after all, this scarf's natural tendency is to roll itself up like a neck-enchilada. But since it's a gift, I want to do it right. So, once my paycheck comes, I'll order one more skein, and use the leftover to felt me an iPod cozy or something. *sigh*

There is a silver lining in all this: Monkey!

I've been puttering around with a few unsuccessful socks lately: a couple of Jaywalkers that didn't fit (too small, then too big), some crap-assily pooling ribbing, and a general sense of disappointment. That said, I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to have completed the first perfectly-fitting, super-comfy, -machine washable sock that I get to keep! I started this on Monday, and it went so fast that I managed to finish in class this afternoon. I think it has something to do with the stitch pattern. When you've got an 11-row repeat, it's just so easy to say, "Well, I'll just finish this pattern repeat," or, "I'll just work the pattern once more." And then, before you know it, sock!


Margie said...

I love those Monkeys! So easy and they look so complicated.

Anonymous said...

Mokey see, Monkey do. Monkey sock, Monkey ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Liz will love her Clapotis. Isn't Noro great?

- Jeeyon

Anonymous said...

Claudia-you rock...what great socks! Your mom and I have been knitting up a sock storm...I need that monkey pattern! The Clapotis is lovely! Wish Liz happy graduation for me!

Anonymous said...

Man, so, I saw the preview for the summer issue of Interweave Knits and I'm kind of disappointed. There are a couple sweaters that I liked but seriously, dense long-sleeve sweaters in July? Hmph.

- Jeeyon